
Ranger Impact Report Q2 2023

The Graph above illustrates the issues resolved in Q2 2023. During the summer months, our town ranger has seen an increase in fly tipping, graffiti, flyposting and other anti-social behaviour. By reporting anti-social issues through daily checks of the town centre, we tackle these issues by contacting the correct partners to deal with them leading to over 600 of these issues in the last quarter.

In addition to this, the Love Wimbledon team have been working hard to ensure the town was kept clean and maintained for a very busy summer. Including our successful summer events such as Big Screen Tennis on The Piazza, Friday Food & Play and our monthly markets. A total of 1,251m2 of pavement was cleaned over the course of three days in June.

Our Ranger reports around 250 issues a month to external partners such as First Mile, Veolia, Community Clean, Merton Council and Thames Water, ensuring they are resolved quickly and effectively.

You can report issues here:

Fly tipping


Graffiti (in public areas)


Streets and Pavements (Highways)

Traffic Lights

Bus Stops and Shelters

Rough sleepers