Saftey and Security

Wimbledon is one of the safest town centres in Greater London and to keep it that way we offer retail and evening economy businesses tools, to help combat crime and facilitate relationships with the police.

“Town Link radio has played a crucial part in reducing shoplifting”


Kim Collins, TK Maxx

Town Link Radio

Our Town Link digital radio system connects businesses with each other, Wimbledon Town Centre police and CCTV, offering real-time updates, shared information, additional employee security and crime prevention. Love Wimbledon’s Town Ranger, South Western Railway and local police officers are linked, enabling swift and effective real-time intelligence sharing.

Free Online Crime Reporting (Littoralis)

Wimbledon has a secure intranet portal, which collates local crime intelligence to help you share information with other businesses in town on issues and incidents that affect you. The benefits of the system are

  • Allows users to input and share crime intelligence directly to the police, Safer Merton, CCTV and other businesses.

  • Provides information about local offenders.

  • Details individuals banned from the town centre.


Love Wimbledon holds monthly meetings with hospitality, night-time economy businesses and the police to share intelligence and crime statistics and to develop strategies to reduce anti-social behaviour. We offer free, specialised training workshops to assist in crime reduction, including licensing law, drug awareness, conflict management and counter terrorism.

Get in touch to find out more at