Cost-Saving Services

We are dedicated to supporting businesses amidst the rising cost of doing business whilst maintaining our dedication to the environment.

Merton Chamber of Commerce Membership

Being a BID levy-paying business provides you with FREE membership to Merton Chamber of Commerce, which would usually cost a VAT-registered business £415pa, giving you access to:

  • A borough-wide programme of events
  • Networking
  • Resources and knowledge

They have built connections over the past 30 years and use their established marketing channels and extensive business database to connect and raise the profile of business members. Visit to find out more.

Waste and Recycling

We have teamed up with award-winning zero to landfill recycling and waste company First Mile, to offer exclusive services for BID levy payers:

  •  Daily waste and recycling collections – including reduced rates
  •  FREE annual allocation of mixed or cardboard recycling
  •  FREE Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycling

2025 WEEE collections are: 29th January, 23rd April, 23rd July , 22nd October 

Email us to find out more:

Green Energy

Make a cleaner switch with First Mile Energy, powered by Octopus, providing certified 100% renewable energy via competitive pricing. First Mile waste customers also save £100 off their first energy bill. You can now power your business with green energy and reduce your business’ carbon footprint with no disruption to your supply, and no engineer or installer visits.

All our First Mile customers for waste and energy get a consolidated monthly report outlining what has been collected and recycled, and the level of carbon that has been saved.

Time & Leisure Media Discount

Wimbledon businesses can enjoy an exclusive 25% discount on all Time & Leisure media promotions, including print, digital, and email marketing. This is a great opportunity to boost visibility and reach a local audience. To learn more, contact Mike Reed today.